It’s been a great summer, but it’s back to school season. Or back to “library season” in my case.
I’m excited to be a featured speaker at the Scarborough Public Library ‘Arm Chair Traveler’ series on September 10th. Then I’ll be on the road along coastal Maine for library events into the fall. By design it’s an easy schedule leaving time for my own reading and wanderings on the pages of notebooks in response to the question “What’s next?” Good question!
Inn Mates ~ An Innkeeper’s Memoir, was just published this year. It started out as a cookbook but failed miserably because it wasn’t about food and it didn’t have any recipes! Still, I enjoy food writing and I have a trove of recipes to share with like-minded readers. Many of whom have asked for recipes and stories about cooking.
Later this month I’m attending the Wisdom & Words writing retreat with Steve Almond, a terrific author and writing teacher. He’ll be taking us through a few story prompts – and just in time. Enough time for me to answer the question of “What’s next?” Right now my answer is, “I’m working on a project about cooking and kitchen conversations.” And I plan to Make it Snappy. (Hint – watch this space…)